Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcoming Statements Speeches

Treo Pro: Impressions Part IV

I have almost 3 weeks with the new team, and I can not be more pleased with it. Honestly do not miss the Treo 750, the "goodness " the Treo Pro, could more the "usual " I kept using the Treo 750. Repeatedly assured the 750, Treo was the best he ever had in my hands, and if so, until finally I could buy a Treo Pro .

Again, Palm finally has among its ranks, a computer that meets the expectations of most users . While not very fast compared to its competition, meets its tasks quite well. The only " Achilles heel" that I could find, and as often happens in ALL computers with Windows Mobile, is the battery . Otherwise would have been if they had included a higher capacity battery. In an application that can be considered moderate to heavy, continuous Wi-Fi, I can use the computer a couple of days ( without using GPS or 3G connection )

The Wi-Fi works fine, no problem at that point, the GPS also the only complaint is that it takes " a bit "in acquiring the position, The Windows Mobile 6.1, much better than the 6, very stable, fast and reliable . The screen, fairly good, I still think that a resolution of 320 X 320 is not the most ideal, but as time goes by, you get used to.

For software, I'm covered, I have everything necessary and even more, I still abound about 40 MB . I say " up more "because I installed some applications that I would have liked to bring in 750, but for space and screen support, I was possible." fear "of incompatibilities, was fading as the days went by .

Finally, 'm very, very pleased with the team .


  1. is the best team so far Palm ( yes, even better than the Palm Pre, until that its use does not extend to more than a few hundred "? of people can not speak much ).
  2. Once accustomed to use it, you forget other equipment in a few hours.
  3. is very compact in size , is very similar to the size of the iPhone 3G. Fits in a shirt pocket or pants ( The bulged much 750)
  4. The battery is good, but could have been much better
  5. Highly recommended if you plan to purchase a mid-range Smartphone considered / high
  6. With the Treo Pro in my hands, I can go consierando leave out the iPod Touch as MID (Mobile Internet Device ) and use it for what it really was conceived, media player, but I do not, the combination of both teams to use to study, is great.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Unblocked High School Games Online

Twikini without doubt the best Twitter client for Windows Mobile Treo Pro

still and when I said that both the Treo Pro and the iPod Touch with me everywhere, always wanted to incorporate a Twitter client my Treo 750, but unfortunately for resolution issues, it was not possible. Now that I have my new Treo Pro, I was testing different applications for Twitter, and I've come to the conclusion that T Wikini is the best option for those who have an account on Twitter.

a couple of weeks ago that I'm using and I really had few problems with the application, probably as it develops will more stable. It was time that there was an application of this kind for Windows Mobile , almost all mobile platforms had a more or less decent. At last we have a stable and well designed for "Twittering ," no matter how many people follow us on Twitter.

Remember, since the first official version, l developers of this application you have made payment , however, it is still highly recommended purchase if you are fond of Twitter. You can download from Trinket Software .

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mistress Leather Outfit

Impressions Part III

So yeah, it was time to continue with my impressions of the Treo Pro As you can see in the picture, I have some programs running on the Treo Pro, most of them, without experiencing any problems. In principle, I can talk to you l heavier programs, are significantly faster than the 750 , for example, the new version of SPB Traveler, which is heavy (about 8MB ) and has no trouble making its work. As commented in general, quite well.

Now let's begin I leave here a list of programs I have in my Treo Pro and that if setbacks are: Destinator

  • Hi-Calc
  • Pocket Informant
  • SPB Wallet
  • VITO Astro Navigator
  • Chronos
  • CorePlayer
  • eReader
  • Facebook
  • GoogleMaps
  • i-nigma QR Reader
  • iSilo
  • Metro
  • NoData
  • Palringo
  • Pathaway
  • Resco Photo Viewer Pro
  • PIM Backup
  • PocketXpdf
  • Resco Audio Recorder
  • Resco BackUp
  • Resco File Explorer
  • Skyfire
  • Skype
  • SPB Traveler
  • SPB Wireless Monitor
  • TomeRaider
  • TomTom Navigator 5
  • UI Tweaker
  • Ultralingua
  • SPBDairy
  • Pocket Digital Clock
  • AlarmToday
  • Kevtris Astraware Solitaire 2
  • ScummVM
All these programs that are enumerated above, working without problem. I left some programs, mostly games, out. Those who do not work for me were: Megasoft Billiards, Mahjong RealDice, RealDice Dominoes, Monopoly and Shift . The screen resolution made RealDice games, not even installed, I always sent installation error.

Now some comments on certain programs that I have installed:

  • i-Nigma QR Reader :
The Treo 750, I could not use, in contrast with the Treo Pro, works perfect

  • Destinator
All the time I had in my hands 750, I was using the Destinaotr 6, with the change of equipment, I had no choice but to upgrade to version 7, since l a previous version, did not recognize the integrated GPS Treo Pro. The Destinator 6, allowing you to keep absolutely ALL the expansion card, this one too, but if you do, the voice instructions simply do not work. You must keep the main program in Internal Memory maps on the card.

TomTom 5 compatibility is amazing this program. Even if I have not had a chance to use it, because I have not traveled abroad for several months, the program works seamlessly recognized GPS, complied with the resolution smoothly and everything works perfect. Failure to test it thoroughly once you are traveling abroad. But in principle it appears that no compatibility issues.

Skyfire works perfect, it displays all the pages without problems, it seems, there is no limitation

  • Skype
I had a chance to try to sesion with a friend who lives in Brussels, Belgium. Only a detail, must use the wired headset to prevent people who are around us, listen to conversations , because if not used, the Treo Pro invariably turn on the speaker. I could not use the Bluetooth headset as it was impossible to hear the other person through the headset. The connection was made through Wi-Fi smoothly. ScummVM

was nice while it did not update the version that was in 750, this version just did not run, all I did was download the most current and ran smoothly. really notice that the games are more fluid not experience any delay. Awesome. SKTools

Unfortunately, even though I'm saying that the Windows Mobile 6 and 6.1 are more stable verson of this operating system still has its problems ... And is that just seeing some behaviors of the Treo Pro through SKTools, it is clear that the notification queue is still double for no apparent reason, especially after a soft reset and you have to get rid of duplicate notifications.

duplicate notifications are generated that alerts Windows Mobile 6 not working properly, but hey, not everything can be perfect.

  • AlarmToday
manager is the best alarm I know you also helps optimize the Windows Mobile registry to prevent any alarm stop working, along with SKTools, is what has made both Treo 750 alarms, such as the Treo Pro, running smoothly.

I think with respect to software, is all, if something happened and I believe needs to be mentioned, I will in the future.

Soon .... More