Monday, January 31, 2011

Create A Title Belt Online Game

That I? In case it rains ... boots and pilot! Inspiration

Hey guys! As vai? I'm through to some tests I did today with the pressure on the floor and a terrible headache grrr!

Today I went to the clinic where I attend to me mid-morning to gray skies and now the sun begins to shine and seem obvious because I'm crazy rain boots, ALWAYS THE SAME THING ABOUT ME!
I also grabbed some rain but not wet me! Because I went to pilot, rubber boots and umbrellas) Safe
When I get home advantage to take some pictures in front of the piece of my brother that all graffiti by him and his friends, all They are graffiti artists, I promise one day get me pictures of graffiti are larger than in walls, give a good background to any photo! I love the graffiti rusulta me a very modern type of art, creative and fun. As long as you do not ruin the walls to the neighbors ¬ ¬
going to see in the pictures I'm premiering bracelets "Decenario" award Kathy gave me a spray with Robby Anti-frizzde which since Friday and so far I'm using is giving me good results. Kathy is delighted, is super friendly, cheerful, energetic and passionate about fashion, I had a little experience in Brazil and left me fascinated!
Well enough talk now if and when I wear? Today:

Compound Look For:
Pilot: $ 120 Lucuma (in a liquidation 2 years ago)
T-shirt: $ 35 Shop (a local highly recommended for a gallery of Liniers)
Leggins: $ 79 Zara
Rain boots: $ 59 Zapateria neighborhood
Portfolio: Lucuma $ 50 (already has 2 or 3 years insurance)
Decenario Bracelets courtesy of Kathy

And pcs. I grabbed the rain? That were to stay dry? Not the same thing happens to me, coming out in rubber boots and then the sun comes out terrible, and when they are not put down a driving rain?
As I deeply oooodiiioooo pass it !!!!! I hope not the only one;)

I leave a huge huge
We then read


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