Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rfp Ambulance Billing

Another blow to homosexuality, "gays do not go to heaven" / Another blow to Homosexuality, "Gay people do not go to heaven"

The cardinal stated that transsexuals and homosexuals will never enter the great Kingdom of the Skies because “everything that goes against natures offends god.”

“Homosexuality isn’t something a persons is born with, the reality is that people become gay due to poor education and because they failed to get the proper identity during adolescence.”

“Perhaps it’s not their fault, but acting against the dignity of our bodies will guarantee them denial to the Kingdom of the Skies. Everythiung that goes against nature and the dignity of the human body offends god,” stated the cardinal.

The LGBT community in Rome did not keep quiet and they let their views be known on local newspapers. They stated that church continues to bring down the dignity and morals of homosexual human beings. The cardinal also defined the abortion pill as “murder.”

The main question here: Since When Is Involved in the church sexual actions regarding human psychology and human genetics?


Italian newspaper called Pontifex of Rome said Mexican Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan Vatican and former health minister announced hacerca their opinions of homosexuality and anticonseptivos treatments.
said Mexican Cardinal that transsexuals and homosexuals will never enter the kingdom of heaven, because "everything that goes against nature offends God."

"No one is born homosexual, but becomes the person, for reasons of education, not having developed its own identity during the stage of adolescence. " "Maybe they are not guilty, but acting against the dignity of the body, of course not enter the kingdom of heaven. Everything that is going against nature and against body offends the dignity of God, "said Mexican Cardinal.

The gay community in Rome did not remain silent and gave their views in local newspapers, whose response was that the Church continues to beat and moral dignity of homosexuals as human beings.

Mexican Cardinal only defined the abortion pill as "murder."

between these accusations The question is whether truth is the church who should be the judge of human actions when they are hacerca of genetics or psychology de una persona?

How Long Does It Take For Tamazeamto Work

Lies after lies / lie after lie ...

In New York, cardinal Edward M. Egan is being

investigated for hiding testimonies, videos and information that would incriminate more than 7 priests in his church. This investigation began far back in early 2002 when the priest moved to New York in a new religious post.

Unfortunately, the judges running against Egan have very little luck now that the Supreme Court has ignored his case. The Catholic Church falls apart little by little everytime a new sexual abuse case is found.

The read more on this horrible story:


Although I have encountered cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, it is clear that the Diocese continue to conceal more than it has been discovered.
In New York, Cardinal Edward M. Egan has been on trial for concealing evidence, videos and information incriminating more than 7 priests diosis which pernetece. The trial began near the end of 2002 and when Cardinal moved to upstate New York to take a new position when the case was religious but national significance tube.
Unfortunately lawyers against Cardinal Egan they had had very little luck because the demand was ignored by the Supreme Court. The Catholic Church is falling apart little by little each time you discover another crime by a priest.

To read more about this terrible event:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Swollen Trapezius Muscle

vs LGBT Community. Religion

Vallejo, CA is a quiet little town located in the northern-eastern part of the Bay Area. Its a very diverse city that even has its own Six Flags amusement park. I moved here about 6 years ago because it was quiet, affordable and in the Bay Area. Recently, however, it has been going through some tough problem lately.
Not only is it the biggest city in California to declare Chapter 9 bankruptcy but it also the home of Osby Davis: Vallejo's City Major who was recently sparked more feud between the LGBT Community and Religious individuals.
For awhile it seemed like problems between these two groups were placed on the back burner and some may have even forgot.
Major Osby Davis of my hometown said this:
"[Gays] are committing sin and that sin will keep them out of heaven."
Let the slander begin....
Watch this Video to understand the issue more:

The major face a harsh political road ahead, especially after a recent rally that brought in hundreds of people to protest his comments on the LGBT community.

To make matters worse, this issue has also become racial. Most people supporting Osby Davis are African-American individuals who strongly believe in him and even his remarks. Most people protesting him are White/Caucasian Americans. If you don't believe me....look at the video again.

I think its time for Davis to resign. A lot of bad, horrible things happened to Vallejo under his term and people will just blame him, wether or not it's his doing.

Game Over Davis, Vallejo needs a new start.

Montgomery Al Bikini Wax


Treasure Valley Church (TVC) in Boise, Idaho is perhaps one of the most amazing churches to ever exist....

This coming December 12, TVC will camp out in front of City Hall and offer to pay off up to $10,000 in parking tickets!

This church has, apparently, been holding this giveaway since 2004 when they paid over $7,500 in tickets. One woman even brought in over 12 tickets and got them all paid! WHOA!

So now you know! If your in the market for a new religion AND happen to be in Idaho then join TVC! (Or if you're a bad driver and delinquent tickets Need Paid off.) ______________________________

The Church of Treasure Valley (ITV) in Boise, Idaho is perhaps one of the best churches the existence of the world ...

12 December (two weeks), the Church of Treasure Valley will be out of the Boise City Council offering to pay the fines of any people who need help! Pay up to $ 10,000 in fines!

not the first time that the church does this type of event. In fact, in 2004 paid more than $ 7,500 doing the same, including a woman who arrived with 12 fines!

Now you know! If you're looking for a new religion And you're in the Boise area, Idaho JOIN ITV!

Deliming Commercial Dishwasher

7 Years of Prison time for holding Mass? / "7 years in prison for giving mass? Crimes Against Jews

On September 13 of this year, the local Police of the Shanxi Province - in China - Raid the Linfen

Shanxi Province
Apparently, religious institutions must register themselves and follow the authority of this governmental bureau in China or face fines and even prison time.
According to an
interesting article
"Those sentenced by the Linfen Intermediate Court included the church's pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife Yang Rongli...both received the maximum sentence [of 7 years]."
and what where they charged with?
-"illegal land occupation"
-"assembling a crowd to disrupt public order"
According to the Chinese government, these type of "house churches" Are Unacceptable.
I feel like There Are More Things to this story Than What is read-through and online media. Xiaoguang and Why did you choose not to register Rongli Their church? Money? Regulation?
Theres Something More .....
Last September 13, local police in the province of Shanxi - in China - attacked the church of Linfen Fushan during the morning service. According to the Chinese government, the church of Linfen Fushan not register with the Office of Religious Affairs.

Shanxi Province
In China, religious institutions must be registered and obey the authority of this government office. To avoid the consequences are serious and result register in fines and even jail time.

According to an interesting article in the Washington Post (link above):
"Those convicted intermediate court of Linfen include Wang Xiaoguang pastor of the church and his wife Yang Rongli ... both received the maximum punishment [7 years]. "
And what were their crimes?
- "Illegal occupation of private property"
- "joining the crowd with intent to disrupt public order"
The Chinese government not tolerate this kind of "house churches" (as they will yolk)

I feel that there are other details in this story that may not know ... I feel like something is missing.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Wrestling Singlets


According to a report compiled by the Anti-Defemation league (part of the FBI) and presented in the
HoustonBelief , the number of religious-based hate crimes has increased and continues to increase. Especially for the Jewish Community.
According to the report,
The number of crimes targeting Jews or Jewish institutions also increased in 2008. There were 1,013 hate crimes against Jews last year, accounting for about two-thirds of all religious bias crimes. It was the largest number of crimes against Jews since 2001."
The report also finds that the total number of religious hate crimes has increased to a bit over 1500 f0r 2008. In 2007 that number was in the high 1300.
The article then goes on to state that,
Attacks against Muslims dropped slightly last year, to 105 reports.
The numbers spiked in 2001, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That year, 597 attacks against Muslims were reported, bringing the number of overall bias crimes up past 9,000 incidents."

Religious based hate crimes against Jews happen on average 15 times more than Muslims.... hmm interesting. In my university (with a large amount of Muslim population) always make us believe that its the other way around. I was honestly shocked when I read this since, like I stated, the Muslim Student Union @ UCI always makes us believe otherwise.

Thinking about it now and reflecting on this issue. Im not so surprised anymore...... It does, however, make me think twice about the legitimacy bout MSU @UCI.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Free Vidoes Of Kates Playground


English Translation:

-Look its God!
-Well you took forever to turn around...
Isn't it the truth.... I have never seen God but it always seems like he is so close.
Nunca he visto a Dios... aunque siempre este tan cercas de nosotros :P

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How Much Does Snowbombing Cos

No obligation and unlimited data and Tecnoaguila


I had to be away from the blog for reasons beyond my control ... The work is not giving you what you should and need to find alternatives for revenue ... One such alternative was what I described in my article where they commented that needed 2 months of unlimited data.


Fortunately everything went well, but I think it could have gone better. With respect to these 2 months of unlimited data .... Now I can say unequivocally:

  1. I do not understand how there are people who complain when one or another cellular operator will lower the speed transfer, once reaching a certain amount of data transmitted
  2. With 500MB of monthly transfer, I had more than enough to meet my obligations
And look I'm making the most of the data plan, all that people presumed you do with your iPhone, your Palm smartphone or Pre Iusa, I do too:

Disclaimer mails every hour, sailed from the Treo, sailed from the laptop using the Treo Pro as a modem, I use Google Maps update programs that need Internet to obtain data .... That is, what anyone would do with a data plan. And yet, the 500 MB monthly transfer to 3G and the rest of the month at 128 kbps, I was more than enough. The average speed during this couple of months, was 1.8 MB , not bad, much better than Infinitum ...

There will be opportunity to return to post as before, so I came here soon ...

Diagrams Of Pregnancy With Baby's Head Engaged

All those who have followed my adventures in this small tarball space, know that when I decided to sell something, first look the buyer in my personal circle . I've had very good luck, and have had no recourse or discussion forums or pages of product sale.

write this message because a person, not even a blog reader, I was writing my post, wondering about the sale of a Flying F006 Hiphone. And if you could please give the address of my shop in Monterrey.

clarify things before I comment that the seller is identified on Photobucket ( site to host images) as raul135982 and use this banner ....

Well, given the confusion that has arisen, I have no choice but to make things clear:

  1. Gee, that people have little imagination to get an online Nick "That could not find another ?
  2. In life I've known, nor have I had in my hands a Hiphone Flying F006, or never heard of him i
  3. M place of residence is nearly 1.000 miles of the city of Monterrey , no I was born there or live there.
  4. I always said that I distrust people who sell their products on that website, which is precisely why I encourage you to buy or sell through it.
  5. ACCOUNT I HAVE NO FREE MARKET SELLER , do not you go see the face. I say this because you do not have that person's reputation.
So having clarified some points ... Here is the link to the product that this person is selling Free Market: Flying F006 Hiphone.

reiterate, I do not discredit this person, do not know, but likewise, do not have that reputation as a seller, and the other; that little ..... Shame having been able to choose another name for her store ....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sympathy Letter Friend's Father

Unlimited Data for 2 months

On how pleased I am with the team, not much to say, I've detailed in previous posts, and for now there's not much to say. But what if I want to talk about is that for reasons having to do with some advice that I have to give I will have to hire 2 months data plan "unlimited " to 3 GB.

This, I agree not to rely on Wi-Fi Hotspots and have internet wherever I am, whether in the car, or a restaurant. S was a considerable amount of money , but think I'll surf the Internet for both the Laptop, and directly from the Treo, I think it will become " good business."

Depending on how I go with this additional service, again consider the option of purchasing the Plan More X Less Internet Unlimited 1, which gives me voice and data for just over $ 500 pesos, for the time from tomorrow, will be monitored so much data came to be used for this couple of months and evaluate whether it is worth hiring the famous voice and data plan.

For now, I've noticed that, although use the Wi-Fi on the Treo Pro quite frequently, my data transfer does not exceed 150 MB per month , of \u200b\u200bcourse, to download emails, surf at home or another place that has a hotspot. But I guess that even if the data plan that will hire from tomorrow will be for questions work, I do not think exceed 500 MB of monthly transfer .

Again, my intention is not to download movies or music or watch videos on YouTube, but merely WORK, no multimedia. I will tell you how it goes. Keep you informed ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcoming Statements Speeches

Treo Pro: Impressions Part IV

I have almost 3 weeks with the new team, and I can not be more pleased with it. Honestly do not miss the Treo 750, the "goodness " the Treo Pro, could more the "usual " I kept using the Treo 750. Repeatedly assured the 750, Treo was the best he ever had in my hands, and if so, until finally I could buy a Treo Pro .

Again, Palm finally has among its ranks, a computer that meets the expectations of most users . While not very fast compared to its competition, meets its tasks quite well. The only " Achilles heel" that I could find, and as often happens in ALL computers with Windows Mobile, is the battery . Otherwise would have been if they had included a higher capacity battery. In an application that can be considered moderate to heavy, continuous Wi-Fi, I can use the computer a couple of days ( without using GPS or 3G connection )

The Wi-Fi works fine, no problem at that point, the GPS also the only complaint is that it takes " a bit "in acquiring the position, The Windows Mobile 6.1, much better than the 6, very stable, fast and reliable . The screen, fairly good, I still think that a resolution of 320 X 320 is not the most ideal, but as time goes by, you get used to.

For software, I'm covered, I have everything necessary and even more, I still abound about 40 MB . I say " up more "because I installed some applications that I would have liked to bring in 750, but for space and screen support, I was possible." fear "of incompatibilities, was fading as the days went by .

Finally, 'm very, very pleased with the team .


  1. is the best team so far Palm ( yes, even better than the Palm Pre, until that its use does not extend to more than a few hundred "? of people can not speak much ).
  2. Once accustomed to use it, you forget other equipment in a few hours.
  3. is very compact in size , is very similar to the size of the iPhone 3G. Fits in a shirt pocket or pants ( The bulged much 750)
  4. The battery is good, but could have been much better
  5. Highly recommended if you plan to purchase a mid-range Smartphone considered / high
  6. With the Treo Pro in my hands, I can go consierando leave out the iPod Touch as MID (Mobile Internet Device ) and use it for what it really was conceived, media player, but I do not, the combination of both teams to use to study, is great.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Unblocked High School Games Online

Twikini without doubt the best Twitter client for Windows Mobile Treo Pro

still and when I said that both the Treo Pro and the iPod Touch with me everywhere, always wanted to incorporate a Twitter client my Treo 750, but unfortunately for resolution issues, it was not possible. Now that I have my new Treo Pro, I was testing different applications for Twitter, and I've come to the conclusion that T Wikini is the best option for those who have an account on Twitter.

a couple of weeks ago that I'm using and I really had few problems with the application, probably as it develops will more stable. It was time that there was an application of this kind for Windows Mobile , almost all mobile platforms had a more or less decent. At last we have a stable and well designed for "Twittering ," no matter how many people follow us on Twitter.

Remember, since the first official version, l developers of this application you have made payment , however, it is still highly recommended purchase if you are fond of Twitter. You can download from Trinket Software .

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mistress Leather Outfit

Impressions Part III

So yeah, it was time to continue with my impressions of the Treo Pro As you can see in the picture, I have some programs running on the Treo Pro, most of them, without experiencing any problems. In principle, I can talk to you l heavier programs, are significantly faster than the 750 , for example, the new version of SPB Traveler, which is heavy (about 8MB ) and has no trouble making its work. As commented in general, quite well.

Now let's begin I leave here a list of programs I have in my Treo Pro and that if setbacks are: Destinator

  • Hi-Calc
  • Pocket Informant
  • SPB Wallet
  • VITO Astro Navigator
  • Chronos
  • CorePlayer
  • eReader
  • Facebook
  • GoogleMaps
  • i-nigma QR Reader
  • iSilo
  • Metro
  • NoData
  • Palringo
  • Pathaway
  • Resco Photo Viewer Pro
  • PIM Backup
  • PocketXpdf
  • Resco Audio Recorder
  • Resco BackUp
  • Resco File Explorer
  • Skyfire
  • Skype
  • SPB Traveler
  • SPB Wireless Monitor
  • TomeRaider
  • TomTom Navigator 5
  • UI Tweaker
  • Ultralingua
  • SPBDairy
  • Pocket Digital Clock
  • AlarmToday
  • Kevtris Astraware Solitaire 2
  • ScummVM
All these programs that are enumerated above, working without problem. I left some programs, mostly games, out. Those who do not work for me were: Megasoft Billiards, Mahjong RealDice, RealDice Dominoes, Monopoly and Shift . The screen resolution made RealDice games, not even installed, I always sent installation error.

Now some comments on certain programs that I have installed:

  • i-Nigma QR Reader :
The Treo 750, I could not use, in contrast with the Treo Pro, works perfect

  • Destinator
All the time I had in my hands 750, I was using the Destinaotr 6, with the change of equipment, I had no choice but to upgrade to version 7, since l a previous version, did not recognize the integrated GPS Treo Pro. The Destinator 6, allowing you to keep absolutely ALL the expansion card, this one too, but if you do, the voice instructions simply do not work. You must keep the main program in Internal Memory maps on the card.

TomTom 5 compatibility is amazing this program. Even if I have not had a chance to use it, because I have not traveled abroad for several months, the program works seamlessly recognized GPS, complied with the resolution smoothly and everything works perfect. Failure to test it thoroughly once you are traveling abroad. But in principle it appears that no compatibility issues.

Skyfire works perfect, it displays all the pages without problems, it seems, there is no limitation

  • Skype
I had a chance to try to sesion with a friend who lives in Brussels, Belgium. Only a detail, must use the wired headset to prevent people who are around us, listen to conversations , because if not used, the Treo Pro invariably turn on the speaker. I could not use the Bluetooth headset as it was impossible to hear the other person through the headset. The connection was made through Wi-Fi smoothly. ScummVM

was nice while it did not update the version that was in 750, this version just did not run, all I did was download the most current and ran smoothly. really notice that the games are more fluid not experience any delay. Awesome. SKTools

Unfortunately, even though I'm saying that the Windows Mobile 6 and 6.1 are more stable verson of this operating system still has its problems ... And is that just seeing some behaviors of the Treo Pro through SKTools, it is clear that the notification queue is still double for no apparent reason, especially after a soft reset and you have to get rid of duplicate notifications.

duplicate notifications are generated that alerts Windows Mobile 6 not working properly, but hey, not everything can be perfect.

  • AlarmToday
manager is the best alarm I know you also helps optimize the Windows Mobile registry to prevent any alarm stop working, along with SKTools, is what has made both Treo 750 alarms, such as the Treo Pro, running smoothly.

I think with respect to software, is all, if something happened and I believe needs to be mentioned, I will in the future.

Soon .... More

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Replacement For Clairol Born Blonde

Treo Pro: Impressions Treo Pro part II

It took me a couple of days " detox "from the Treo 750, but I certainly gained a lot with the change of equipment. In principle, to comment that I like and do not:


  • is slim has better battery
  • have the latest official version of Windows Mobile
  • has 109 MB of storage, enough to compare the former has better
  • camera has Wi-Fi GPS
  • It is very stable
  • It weighs
  • has a faster processor
  • more RAM you have very good signal

Me Not:

  • modernist design does not convince me
  • All the accessories you had for the 750, sold for incompatibility
  • I could not install any programs you had on the 750 due to incompatibility
  • the screen resolution of 320 x 320 is not optimal for such equipment
  • The keyboard is smaller than the 750
  • Soft Reset button is under the back cover
  • The slot memory card is also under the back cover
  • The GPS is not as fast as the one I have and used with the 750
  • The housing finish is brilliant and attracts dust and fingerprints
  • The stylus slot is in an uncomfortable place, I am not skilled and therefore hard for me to access it
  • No as loud as the 750
That's in general and roughly what I like and what not, but it seems that there is more that I do not like of which I liked, not get carried away with the bad certainly, the team has more good than bad.

Now, we split ...


The battery is significantly more potent than the 750 , with the 750 after a continuing adequate moderate use, the battery lasted just over one and a half, the battery of the Treo Pro, with an application like the one you gave to 750 lasts 2 days or 2 ½ days . Clear that we must take into account that now I am not using the data network of Telcel, but I'm using the Wi-Fi.


The increased storage capacity has given me a chance to install more applications on the internal memory, which undoubtedly makes the terminal faster.


GPS, had to upgrade to the latest version of Destinator Because the former was not compatible with the Treo Pro, Destinator 6 does not recognize the GPS. With this new version, the good news is that I have the most current application, but at the same time, I miss the old, and was very accustomed to it. On the other hand, has some minor problems, like the fact that if you create a favorite of a certain street and there is a Point of Interest around, you click a certain location on the map and is supposed to appear a popup that allows you to add that particular point on the map, because I do not pop-up menu appears that I have to do " circus and theater rope" so that it can add. Continuing

with GPS, is much slower when purchasing position, but once the GPS already has localized works perfectly, I've thoroughly tested with the Destinator 7 in Google Maps and the PathAway. We must remember that the Treo Pro GPS is A-GPS (Assisted GPS ), which allows Internet to download information about the satellites, ie, that supposedly allows the satellite data more accurate and same time, the acquisition of position faster .... Actually I have not seen much difference , but again, once running, the GPS works perfectly .


The Wi-Fi, I've used it enough, it should be noted that " eats" the battery very quickly while in use, that's why when I need it I turn it on, but once you no longer need it, turn it off immediately. It works pretty well , has very good range, I can even say it has better range than Wi-Fi on iPod Touch , the Treo Pro detects systems the Touch is not able, so far found. Once underway, it works perfect when surfing or downloading emails. Something that I liked a lot, is that one side has a button on and off the Wi-Fi, which saves you be switched through the Comm Manager.


The signal is excellent, obviously you can not compare to a Nokia terminal, because as we all know, Nokia phones are characterized by excellent signal where others ( Motorola, Samsung, etc. ), no. In this case, the Treo Pro, it works pretty well. In places where it did not signal ( home and office), now if I have it.


Excellent quality, I can not complain in that sense the Pro and the 750 are pretty good, especially since Telcel " lit "their 3G.


Extremely stable, it is a fact that Windows Mobile 6 and 6.1 has been a great step by Microsoft, unlike the Windows Mobile 5, this new version is what Windows Mobile must have many years ago. It is obvious that he has his mistakes and there are many, but stability is one of the great virtues of Windows Mobile 6 and 6.1. It is also a fact that if you want your Windows Mobile 6 and 6.1 work Perect, d eber have applications that help so be ( SKTools ). And there is more to do a soft reset at least once a week for the operating system is not saturated.


not convince me, I'm hanging which is a rather ugly terminal, but fortunately, is the first Treo that incorporates what I was looking for several years. While on the other hand, it is still elegant because of its color and its finished.


Unfortunately, I had to sell along with the 750, 95% of the accessories I had, now have to go thinking that accessories purchased to eventually go by them, including a battery extra, retractable cable sync and charge, charger self and a screen saver . So far I've put one of Palm, which is bad enough, but in principle it works for not abusing the screen.


certainly grateful that the screen resolution is better than the 750 , but in fact would have preferred a standard screen that was not square, that square is a relatively new resolution, some applications do not work properly or simply INOPERABLE. Finally, most applications work, with some exceptions.


Applications well known ( Pocket Informant, most SPB Software House, SKTools, the Resco, Facebook, Google Maps, iSilo, PathAway, Skype, etc.. ), f unction perfectly. There are some exceptions, most games that simply can not be installed.

KEYBOARD: Functional

tout , the problem is, is that the keys are much more together than the Treo 750, which sometimes makes it difficult to write, but definitely not something that makes me consider changing the device with another. Once you get used to driving as well as the one with the 750.


Soft Reset button is under the back cover , as was customary in the 750 was at hand, but I've corrected the Soft Reset function of SKTools. The slot memory card is also under the back cover one hand is good news, as this is less likely to lose, but on the other hand, is a drawback if you are a person who get used to using multiple cards in one device. I for now I have no problems, and now and from my 750, I have been using a 16GB card.

finish when new looks great, but the problem comes in begin to use it, is imbued with fingerprints and starts to look pretty nasty, you have to be pregnant by wiping with a cloth all the time if you want it to look shiny and clean. On the other hand, the same glossy finish makes imprefecciones and bumps more noticeable .

The speaker is not as powerful as the 750 , but it's nothing serious, this can be corrected through software, but so far I have not seen the need to resort to it.

is very thin compared to the 750, which is far more comfortable when carried in a holster on your belt or shirt pocket or pants.


When I can not talk about it because as already mentioned, she dispensed with, when I have chance to try it, I will publish results and ydemás.

For now, I think it's more than enough, in a couple of days before, I'll break down some things I need to try here, for example, that I have installed software, that software does not work and now something else I remember ...

Soon, more ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pratham Attempt To Rape On Gauri In Kutumb

Impressions Part I

Well, my impressions of the team to try to capture in various Articles "How ? I do not know, but surely will be between 4 and 5 .

In principle, this is a Treo Pro Telcel locked. At first, I tried to get "generic " but it was not possible, first because when there were available were prohibitively expensive and secondly, because " needed" the subsidy that the operator Telcel given on their computers to get at a "preferential ."

I turned to commit to 12 months Telcel. Yes, to seek other alternatives if Telcel is the carrier that best works for me. With others .... For I FIVE MILLION friends, if with 10 me is more than enough .

I was about to buy it at Amigo Kit at a price of approximately $ 7.500 Pesos, 12 monthly interest-free credit card, but it was a fact that was not going to unlock it in the near future, nor plan to change operator. Having decided that my operator Telcel still be quite some time, I decided to use the few points of Blue Circle, which I worked to get a discount of about $ 1,500.00 Mexican Pesos .

I wanted to keep the voice plan and data that until recently was 7 days, as a plan that the operator no longer markets, it was impossible, to keep it, I should have renewed without change of equipment, ie stay with the 750, and that was not my intention. Having been unable to keep my plan as I had ( 60 minutes of voice and Internet 50MB), I decided to switch to an unlimited Internet plan, was not a viable option and decided once and for all, hire only a voice plan, without any data.

hired the Plan More X Minus 1 to 60 minutes voice, nothing more. I was researching the book Cone plans additional service, and although it was obvious, I made sure that it could hire and terminate after 30 days, means that if in the future need the Internet, I can hire a data plan per month and the same day you have been released, I can set off of service to avoid unnecessary charges. Yes, I realized that out of 50MB per month he had, was using on average only 15 to 20MB , the rest is made through Wi-Fi card you bought for 750.

I sold the Treo 750 at a better price than I had anticipated , with him, I sold 2 batteries, the Wi-Fi, 2 car charger, desktop charger and their cables and a pair of sleeves , a rigid and a skin. So, when I went to ACC Telcel, paid cash he had received from the sale of old equipment and disbursement only a few hundred dollars to monthly payments without interest for me to hand over new equipment. This person is now the lucky owner of 750, wants to convince me to sell him the Bluetooth GPS I had acquired, but .... I think this accessory, I'll stay.

So, for now, that's the story as I did the Treo Pro, as I said, I am pleased and very happy to have switched teams, I miss the Treo 750, do not deny there certain things about management that make the 750 " more accessible, but takes getting used to ...

second part in a few days ...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Stds That Cause Sore Gums

new team after nearly 3 years

Oh and I had a couple of months, has not . If

and read it. I changed teams exactly ONE WEEK . Lately for personal reasons, I have not paid much attention to the blog, but still alive. Indeed, if is a Treo Pro with Telcel . I have re-committed to that operator during 12 months and no, no regrets.

was the only way to be able to build team, if I had not subsidized in this way, to this day continue to my Treo 750. I sold (and very well sold ) the Treo 750, so the difference I had to pay was only of a few hundred pesos , no more than $ 1,000.00 .

I'm happy, just getting used to the differences it has with respect to the old equipment. 80% of the applications loaded on the 750, running on the Treo Pro . I had to put aside a couple of games with which I was amused at leisure, I had to quit an application that was essential for me, but I've found replacement almost immediately.

The battery is just conditioning, but it is impressive to see how it is that this battery is significantly more potent than the 750 . Finally, a Treo with all that I expected from a device like this:

  • higher resolution camera (2 Megapixel)
  • storage memory over 64MB (109MB for exact)
  • Integrated GPS
  • Mayor
    screen resolution
is, for now, I can not ask for more. A team very stable, much more manageable, much leaner, faster, more modern . So far, the only thing I can say I have to experiment more with it to make more informed opinions.

in a few days probably encourage me to write some articles on the new computer, which I like, I do not like, what advantages I got, I left behind, etc. For now, I leave a few days, and when I have a little encouragement and time, I write more about the Treo Pro


I'm happy so far CREO it's the best Palm Treo. And if soon falls a talker than a lame, I still have my stormy relationship with Palm, I could not resist .

Soon more about my experiences ...

Pirates Of The Caribbean Altosax

Win a BlackBerry Storm with Iusacell

"Would you like a brand new BlackBerry Storm equipment?

Thanks to BlackBerry and Iusacell Mexico poderpda through a team can earn online for free just for taking part in this competition (*). The requirements to enter the contest are:

  1. Living in Mexico.

  2. Have a blog where you can post (*).

  3. writes and publishes an article on your blog half to one page maximum, which he describes reasons why you would like a BlackBerry Storm and how you give the computer use in your everyday life. (Try to ask at the official Iusacell to include the services of the best 3G mobile operator in Mexico and See capabilities of the BlackBerry Storm)

  4. Once you post your article to enter the contest, register under this announcement. (Registration for contestants begin on Thursday 21 May and closes on Thursday, May 28).

The stories will be judged by a jury formed by the management Iusacell Marketing, Technical Support and Special Projects as well as being backed by RIM Mexico. The best story will be the one truly original and incorporate potential uses attached to the real possibilities of the BlackBerry Storm. (*)

contestants registration deadline is Thursday 28 May and the winner will be announced through this page and replicated in other media on Monday 1 June. The winning article will also be posted in various forums and announced via the official account on Twitter Iusacell.

More informacón in Poderpda.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cost Of Building A Squash Court.

Estoyenelmapa for iPod Touch, complements perfectly the Destinator

past few days, I'm enjoying a DestinoGPS application is in the iTunes AppStore. Your name, Estoyenelmapa . Believe me, though I have the iPhone, and therefore I can not use GPS, I have found an application very interesting and very useful , especially in those moments when you're certain commercial establishments, which, you have no idea where they are.

For several weeks, this application ranked in the top of the Mexican AppStore . And it is simply a public directory of merchants that are geo-referenced in Mexico. Without doubt, the first application of its kind made for Mexicans and Mexican .

And just as I said, may use the application from the iPhone ( through 3G or Wi-Fi ), or through the iPod Touch ( via Wi-Fi ) as in my case. The application will be able to find and give detailed banks, restaurants, hospitals , etc . If you use the iPhone's GPS will tell you which ones are closest to your location. If you use the iPod Touch, you have to make a more specific search like: Banks in La Condesa.

Something that really surprised me is that the information is structured in three ways:

  1. By a simple search by name or keyword
  2. By category By brand
  3. all Mexico
So far, I think it is the only application that uses location-based services ( LBS - Location Based Services ) in Mexico. I think from here, we're just seeing the beginning of what in a few years, you can come to develop for the benefit of us all.

repeat, although you are the owner of an iPhone and you own an iPod Touch, the application is pretty good, and believe me you will bring many problems , the time that I've been using, I have found several problems location in conjunction with Destinator my Treo 750.

If you want to download it you can do with iTunes and this is the direct link to the AppStore , where you can download FREE .

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ganglion Cyst Removal

RENAUT: National Register of Mobile Phone Users

"Remember that a couple of days ago I mentioned that started the telephone registry of cell lines in Mexico ? The media still do not make too much attention to the matter, but the Interior Ministry created RENAUT page where you can find all information regarding this.

The information is much more detail than can be found on page Telcel, although equal leaves you with more questions than answers ... As it says in its Javier Matuk website ... "What will happen if you stolen?," Where should bring proof of residency, copy of RFC and fingerprint ? And as such, there are many more ...

Remember, if you do not register their cell lines .... Service will be interrupted and may reach the lost no opportunity to retrieve number ...

For more information: RENAUT

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nadine Jensen Blogpost

iPod Touch : Every time best

quite some time I have
not to speak of " add" on my Treo 750, and I think it's time to do it again. In general, 'm very happy with the iPod Touch I received as a gift in the past holiday season.

is a fact that this is the best media player market, even superior to many others who just focus on playing music and exclusive video. The only drawback I see to this iPod Touch, is the battery life when using Wi-Fi .

Outside of this problem, I still think this is a great addition to any smartphone, be it Blackberry Windows Mobile or PalmOS.

As I had mentioned before, I never go anywhere without my iPod ( from the old 60GB iPod Photo ) and now less, especially since they have been released some applications, which are : Skype and Messenger .

never bring myself to install Skype on the Treo 750, because you never know if I was completely and totally compatible with it, aside from wanting to avoid 3G connections, of which, in the future I may come to regret.

Fortunately, both applications are now available for the Touch - especially Skype - which gives me much more mobility. The've been using it regularly and I can say the following: Skype has some flaws and under certain circumstances, the person with whom I am speaking not listen to me, but overall I am satisfied.

The Messenger has left me impressed (sorry virtual keyboard) ... works perfectly and the user experience is very similar to its desktop counterpart.


Now if, without fear of contradiction, and in my experience, if you are a user of a Smartphone, and want to have a successful experience for others and also want to cover the gaps in your smartphone ( all do), my advice is to buy an iPod Touch, c URL includes the benefits of both teams will have an experience "full " .

Note that I'm not talking about the iPhone, I still think this team is not for me, n or you could use a computer as a main terminal iPhone.