Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Wrestling Singlets


According to a report compiled by the Anti-Defemation league (part of the FBI) and presented in the
HoustonBelief , the number of religious-based hate crimes has increased and continues to increase. Especially for the Jewish Community.
According to the report,
The number of crimes targeting Jews or Jewish institutions also increased in 2008. There were 1,013 hate crimes against Jews last year, accounting for about two-thirds of all religious bias crimes. It was the largest number of crimes against Jews since 2001."
The report also finds that the total number of religious hate crimes has increased to a bit over 1500 f0r 2008. In 2007 that number was in the high 1300.
The article then goes on to state that,
Attacks against Muslims dropped slightly last year, to 105 reports.
The numbers spiked in 2001, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That year, 597 attacks against Muslims were reported, bringing the number of overall bias crimes up past 9,000 incidents."

Religious based hate crimes against Jews happen on average 15 times more than Muslims.... hmm interesting. In my university (with a large amount of Muslim population) always make us believe that its the other way around. I was honestly shocked when I read this since, like I stated, the Muslim Student Union @ UCI always makes us believe otherwise.

Thinking about it now and reflecting on this issue. Im not so surprised anymore...... It does, however, make me think twice about the legitimacy bout MSU @UCI.


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