Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Deliming Commercial Dishwasher

7 Years of Prison time for holding Mass? / "7 years in prison for giving mass? Crimes Against Jews

On September 13 of this year, the local Police of the Shanxi Province - in China - Raid the Linfen

Shanxi Province
Apparently, religious institutions must register themselves and follow the authority of this governmental bureau in China or face fines and even prison time.
According to an
interesting article
"Those sentenced by the Linfen Intermediate Court included the church's pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife Yang Rongli...both received the maximum sentence [of 7 years]."
and what where they charged with?
-"illegal land occupation"
-"assembling a crowd to disrupt public order"
According to the Chinese government, these type of "house churches" Are Unacceptable.
I feel like There Are More Things to this story Than What is read-through and online media. Xiaoguang and Why did you choose not to register Rongli Their church? Money? Regulation?
Theres Something More .....
Last September 13, local police in the province of Shanxi - in China - attacked the church of Linfen Fushan during the morning service. According to the Chinese government, the church of Linfen Fushan not register with the Office of Religious Affairs.

Shanxi Province
In China, religious institutions must be registered and obey the authority of this government office. To avoid the consequences are serious and result register in fines and even jail time.

According to an interesting article in the Washington Post (link above):
"Those convicted intermediate court of Linfen include Wang Xiaoguang pastor of the church and his wife Yang Rongli ... both received the maximum punishment [7 years]. "
And what were their crimes?
- "Illegal occupation of private property"
- "joining the crowd with intent to disrupt public order"
The Chinese government not tolerate this kind of "house churches" (as they will yolk)

I feel that there are other details in this story that may not know ... I feel like something is missing.


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